
GSA’s Art Scarf Sale a Success

This year’s Art Scarf Sale was a spectacular success. GSA sold 246 beautiful scarves(and the last 4 may just be sold by the end of today!) – the highest number in record – raising  over $10,000 for the Fine Arts programs at GSA.  The one of a kind, shibori-tyed and...

Dynamic Duo Dash Pairs GSA and TSBVI students for Guided Run/Walk

On March 1st students from The Girls’ School of Austin and The Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired participated in the third annual Dynamic Duo Dash 1K. The relationship between the two schools began four years ago when the two schools shared a fence line...

Award Winning Authors Visit The Girls’ School of Austin

To celebrate their annual book fair at BookPeople the Girls’ School of Austin had two authors visit their campus this fall. The first presenter, Tillie Walden is a familiar face to GSA. Tillie graduated from the Girls’ School of Austin in 2010. She is now a successful...

The Girls’ School of Austin Embraces Multicultural Education

This summer the Community Scholars Fund helped two teachers from GSA attend the National SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) project training in Seattle. Teachers, Anne Seekatz and Lorna Torrado with some of their required reading from the Seeking...


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