Ms. Hoover and GSA students present Head of School, Lisa Schmitt, with a cheque for $11,000 from the Art Scarf Sale.
This year’s Art Scarf Sale was a spectacular success. GSA sold 246 beautiful scarves(and the last 4 may just be sold by the end of today!) – the highest number in record – raising over $10,000 for the Fine Arts programs at GSA. The one of a kind, shibori-tyed and hand painted or powder dyed silk, velvet and woven cotton fringe scarves and shawls were made by every kinder through eighth grade student at GSA as part of their study in art. Many GSA parents purchased scarves during the pre-sale the first week of December. The official sale took place on December 5th in the art room and was open to the public. Congratulations to Mrs. Hoover and all our talented artists, and a special thank-you to our “iron lady” parent volunteers.