Movin’ On Up Parade Details

Dear Parents, We are thrilled to finally bring you details for an exciting event to conclude this extraordinary year – The GSA Movin’ On Up Parade. This event will take place as a drive-thru event along the GSA Drive next Wednesday, May 27th starting at 8:30 am. As...

8th Grade Science Evolution Project instructions

Start by completing the Nova Labs Evolution missions: Go to and click on “log-in” in the top right-hand corner. Create a PBS account. You may log in with an existing account if you already have one. Be sure to log in...

6th grade 3/9-3/13

3/9 Humanities:  a. Lesson 37 and Unit 5 review in Grammar-due Wednesday b. Begin Graphic Organizer of Literary Essay (on Night Diary or Escape From Aleppo)-due Friday c. Five paragraph essay about how the GSA has empowered you-rough draft due Thursday morning...