by gsatx | Apr 19, 2018 | 7th grade homework
Monday, 2/23 a. Writing Lab: Week B b. Vocabulary quiz #17: p. 18 of Jane Eyre (Why could I never . . . to night.”) c. CTP-4 prep Tuesday, 2/24 a. Rehearsal Wednesday, 2/25 a. Rehearsal Thursday, 2/26 a. You will have Social Studies instead of our class....
by gsatx | Apr 19, 2018 | 8th grade homework
Monday, 4/23 a. Writing Lab: Week B b. Vocabulary quiz #16: p. 33 of Jane Eyre (“From my discourse . . . rooted aversion.”) Tuesday, 4/24 a. We will conclude our discussion of Freud and Surrealism. b. CTP-4 prep Wednesday, 4/25 a. Grammar: Lesson 54...
by gsatx | Apr 12, 2018 | 7th grade homework
Monday, 4/16 a. Writing Lab: Week A b. Vocabulary Test #4 (covers quizzes 13-16) Tuesday, 4/17 a. Rehearsal (please try to be off-book) Wednesday, 4/18 a. 2nd draft of short paper due. b. Rehearsal. Thursday, 4/19 a. Rehearsal. Friday, 4/20 a....
by gsatx | Apr 12, 2018 | 8th grade homework
Monday, 4/1617 a. Writing Lab: Week A b. Vocabulary quiz #15: pp. 30-31 in Jane Eyre (“She boasted . . . Guy Fawkes.”) Tuesday, 4/17 a. We will continue our discussion of Freud in Sophie’s World. Wednesday, 4/18 a. Grammar: Lesson 52, exercises...
by gsatx | Apr 5, 2018 | 7th grade homework
Monday, 4/9 a. Writing Lab: Week B b. Rehearsal Tuesday, 4/10 a. Vocabulary Test #4 (covers quizzes 13-16) b. Rehearsal Wednesday, 4/11 a. Rehearsal Thursday, 4/12 a. Grammar Test: Unit 4. b. Rehearsal Friday, 4/12 a. ...