The Girls’ School of Austin hosted its 7th annual Grandparents Day on February 18, 2017. Grandparents and friends came from near and far to spend an afternoon at The Girls’ School of Austin. Each class had a presentation in the GSA MUB (multi-use building). The kindergarten started the performances off by singing an enthusiastic rendition of “Let’s go see our Grandparents” to the tune of “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”, first grade presented on the Arctic Tundra and sang “Baby Beluga” and second grade read dramatized fairy tales in pairs. In the second performance, third grade sang “Fronteras” a song by Gaby Moreno, in Spanish, fourth grade presented on their partnership with TSBVI (Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired), and fifth grade did a square dancing demonstration. In the final performance sixth grade read aloud poems created for the Butterfly Project (remembering the children of the Holocaust), the seventh grade orchestra performed two strings pieces and the eighth grade presented an excerpt from their upcoming play, Little Women. Grandparents also took part in various activities with their granddaughters around campus including math games, classroom exhibits, and a photo booth. After all that excitement grandparents and students enjoyed a tea and some beautiful weather in the courtyard. Thank you to our faculty, staff, and volunteers for creating a memorable event and to all the grandparents or friends who attended.