This summer the Community Scholars Fund helped two teachers from GSA attend the National SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) project training in Seattle.
Teachers, Anne Seekatz and Lorna Torrado with some of their required reading from the Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity Project training this summer.
This spring the Girls’ School of Austin announced the Community Scholars Fund which will provide need-based financial aid to students and also fund staff education. This summer the Community Scholars Fund helped two teachers from GSA attend the National SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) project training in Seattle. An intensive, week-long program, SEED provides a framework so that every student has the benefit of both “windows” into the world, and “mirrors” that reflect her own experience. The teachers who attended the course have been trained as peer leaders who will teach a yearlong diversity course to the faculty at GSA. “SEED gave me the tools to engage in difficult but necessary conversations with students, faculty and GSA families that address today’s increasingly multicultural community,” said Lorna Torrado, one of the participants. As GSA welcomes its most diverse kindergarten class this year, the faculty are eager to build on a multi-cultural curriculum and welcoming atmosphere for all.