COVID-19 Updates

 COVID Policies for the 2022-2023 School Year

Based on the CDC guidance, the GSA community’s high vaccination rates, and our community’s low number of recent infectionsmask wearing (indoors or outdoors) for all students and employees will be optional rather than required. If you prefer your child continue to wear their mask at school, please reach out to your child’s teacher directly.  Our community will always honor students and adults who continue to advocate for themselves and their own health by wearing masks.

Continuing to Be Vigilant in Keeping Our Community Safe

As we reduce safety restrictions it is essential that we all:

1. Continue to carefully monitor for COVID-19 symptoms;

2. Test if we have symptoms;

3. Report positive cases and close-contact exposures to the GSA Office and await clearance before returning to campus.

If key indicators and the level of risk in the broader Austin community increase, or if we have a significant increase in the number of cases within the GSA community, we may return to required mask wearing and/or required testing at home or school. 

2022 COVID-19 Policies

  • Masks: Masks are optional for students, faculty, and visitors that come on campus
  • COVID Positive Tests for both vaccinated and unvaccinated-in accordance with CDC modified guidelines, if your child tests positive for COVID, she will need to isolate for 5 days; if on Day 6 she is symptom-free and has a negative test, she can return to school. She will need to wear a mask on campus for up to 10 days. Please contact GSA for guidance if your child tests positive.

  • Household Exposures:  If your child is exposed to a positive case within your household (parent, sibling, other) please notify Ms. Yacono or the GSA Office of the household exposure and then follow below:
      • Wear a well-fitted mask for 10 days
      • If no symptoms, test on Day 5  and submit test results to Ms. Yacono before coming to school on those days. If you need assistance with tests, please contact the school and we will see how we can help.

Review CDC guidelines for recommendations regarding exposures; it’s not just about isolating.

  • Positive Case on Campus: If we have a positive case in your child’s grade level, we will send you notification and ask you to do the following:
      • No Quarantine– You do not need to stay home unless you develop symptoms.   
      • Wear a well-fitting mask indoors at school.
      • Watch for symptoms until 10 days after you last had close contact with someone with COVID-19.
      • Get Tested– get tested 5 days after you have been notified, even if you don’t develop symptoms, and submit results to Ms. Yacono before coming on campus.

See link for other CDC recommendations.

  • Appropriate Ventilation- the GSA HVAC systems are doing an excellent job of moving air and keeping indoor air quality high. The systems can accomplish over 6 air changes per hour, which is the highest category recommended, and use MERV 13 filters. We will also continue to provide every classroom and every office area with a HEPA filtration system. In an abundance of caution, we will prop our classroom doors open 2-3 inches weather permitting.

  • Lunch, snacks, and water breaks- these will continue to be taken outdoors weather-permitting. Our campus is still currently closed for lunchtime visitors.
  • Hand Washing and Sanitizing- we will continue to provide hand sanitizing stations in all classrooms and throughout the campus as well as opportunities for hand washing often.
  • Sick children-please keep your child home if she is sick and contact the GSA office.   
  • Community Meetings-are open for families to join us.
  • Vaccinations- COVID 19-vaccines are effective and can reduce the risk of getting and spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. Learn more about the different COVID-19 vaccines. If you have not submitted your child’s Covid-19 record, please send it to Ms. Yacono.