School Will Start August 19 using a Distance Learning Plan.
After careful review of all current guidance and discussions with the task force and the newly created GSA medical/scientific advisory council, we will begin our school year through full distance learning for all grades (see phase 1 below) until at least September 7, 2020. However, we are committed to being creative and will attempt to find time for our girls to be on campus during these three weeks of full distance learning. This time on campus will be non-instructional time and will be meaningful time together for our girls and their teachers.
Academic Phase-In Plans
We have created six academic phase-in plans to determine when and how to bring our girls safely and smartly on campus. Each of the academic plans have details that our staff will be ready to implement when a shift is needed. These phases will accommodate any eventuality that may arise. This is a living document that we will continue to evolve as we learn more. Flexibility and ongoing communication will be key.
Movement Between Phases: An Evidence-Based Approach
Our allegiance to both the education and health, both physical and emotional, of our girls, faculty, and their families will be our guiding principle. The GSA community is unique in its size and composition enabling us to quickly react to changing local conditions and the impact to our community. We have created a medical/scientific advisory council that will convene weekly to present data on our current health environment to advise our Task Force. This council will consider all regulations and guidelines and the state and local cases and trends to drive our evidence-based approach. Through collective discussion, the council will make recommendations as to which iteration of our academic plan is most appropriate for our Community at any given time. These recommendations will be presented to HOS and the Board Chair. HOS will then determine any shift between iterations and present this to the Board for approval. Early composition of the Scientific/Medical Advisory Council includes Dr. Davies, Dr. Grad, Dr. Peña. We are in the process of adding additional medical expertise.
What’s Next
The task force continues to make progress in our planning efforts. The Guidelines and Policy committee members are working on finalizing the protocols that will be implemented for any on-campus learning, for screening students and employees, and for any suspected or confirmed COVID cases. You will receive more information on these protocols in the next few weeks. We will host 3-Virtual Town Hall Meetings: August 5 – Kindergarten Parents; August 6 -1st-4th Grade Parents and August 7- 5th – 8th Grade Parents. Zoom Meeting details will be sent prior to the meetings.