8th Grade Science Evolution Project instructions

Start by completing the Nova Labs Evolution missions: Go to https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/labs/ and click on “log-in” in the top right-hand corner. Create a PBS account. You may log in with an existing account if you already have one. Be sure to log in...

8th Grade HW: 4/6-4/10

Monday, 4/6 LAa. Classwork:  Vocabulary quiz #1:  Jane Eyre, pp. 28-29 (“Bessie would rather … the process in words.”)b. Homework:  Reread chapter 34 of Jane Eyre. Social StudiesDue Thu. 4/09–rough draft of one page worth of your research paper...

Community Update March 28

As communicated via email earlier this week, at this moment we plan to continue the GSA distance learning plan until further notice. GSA leadership and the Board will continue to monitor formal guidance and policy applicable to our school, with our community’s...

8th Grade HW: 3/30-4/3

Monday, 3/30 LAa. Classwork:  Vocabulary quiz #1:  Jane Eyre, pp. 28-29 (“Bessie would rather … the process in words.”).  I will post the quiz on the morning of 3/30.  You have until the end of the day to turn it in.  Remember, this is an open-book...

Community Update March 22

Time Frame –  At this moment we will continue the GSA Distance Learning Plan until further notice.  As the guidance from our state and local officials evolves, we will know more and be in contact with you. Objective — The overall objective of the GSA...